Archive for August, 2009

Welcome Back!

The start of a new school year means several things here at HHS:  football season, summer is ending, fall is right around the corner, new books in the library, nervous freshman eager to begin high school, and students filling the hallways with a roar of anticipation for a great year of learning, creating, and innovating.

As the library is filled with many new books and magazines waiting to get on the shelves, the library will not be open to students until Wednesday, September 2.  The schedule will be posted on the library homepage and in the library for which periods are open.

Over the next week or so, I’ll be coming around to all English classes to talk to students about the new library pass system.  All freshman will be coming to the library for library orientation with their English class.

The new library pass system is much simplier than the previous.  Simply stop in the library to get a pass to come to the library during a study hall from me (Mrs. Busch).  You can get a pass before school, during homeroom, or between classes.  I will not give out passes during normal class time.  Keep your pass until the period of your study hall, and report directly to the library BEFORE the late bell rings.  Do not go to your study hall if you have a library pass.  You will be marked late to class if you arrive after the late bell.  Three lates and you will lose library priviledges for the semester.  Once  in the library, put your pass in the basket at the podium and PRINT your name on the sign-in sheet.  I will mark your attendence for your study hall.  Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions with the new pass system!

We have LOTS of new books waiting to be checked out.  Once the library opens, there will be a new book display on the display table.  Some of the new titles include:  Always Looking Up:  The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist, by Michael J. Fox; Without You: A Memoir Of Love, Loss, and The Musical RENT, by Anthony Rapp; The Twilight Companion: The Unauthorized Guide to the Series, by Lois H. Gresh; Love and Peaches, by Jodi Lynn Anderson;  Persistence of Memory, by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes;  Dope Sick, by Walter Dean Myers;  The Adoration of Jenna Fox, by Mary E. Peterson;  After the Downfall, by Harry Turtledove.  Be sure to stop in to see these and many other new and exciting titles.

Have a great year!