Archive for October, 2010

Great first lines and beginnings of novels display

Stop in the library to see the great first lines and beginnings of novels display.  Some of the great first lines include:

“The early summer sky was the color of cat vomit.”  — Uglies, by Scott Westerfeld

“We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck.” — Feed, by M.T. Anderson

“Someone was looking at me, a disturbing sensation if you’re dead.”  — A Certain Slant of Light, by Laura Whitcomb

Come see the display for the other great first lines and beginnings!

Got some other favorite first lines and beginnings?  Post them!

Library Suggestion Box: Your suggestions and questions answered

The library has a physical suggestion box located above the reserve shelf (directly across from the circulation desk) as well as a virtual suggestion box (linked from the library homepage).

I’ve received several suggestions so far this year, most silly (i.e. “No freshman”). The one series suggestion I received I will answer here.

Suggestion:   Just a suggestion…alternate the periods that you’re open.  Don’t leave the library closed for the whole week on the same period, then the next week too.  It’s hard on people who need to use the library and can’t get it.  Thanks!!

Answer:  Thanks for your suggestion!  I try to do this as much as possible.  I know it can be hard sometimes when the library is closed the same period for an extended amount of time.  Let me explain why that is.  The library works on a flexible schedule.  It is my goal to collaborate with as many teachers as possible to get you as students into the library as much as possible while you’re here at the high school so you can leave here with the information literacy and research skills you need to survive in the real world (and of course college).  Because of the way the library is physically set up and the fact that there is only one of me (i.e. no other librarian, secretary, or aide) the library must be closed when I have a scheduled class in the library.  Sometimes, projects that I work on with teachers require classes to be scheduled in the library multiple days in the library in succession during the same periods.  When this occurs, yes, the library unfortunately will be closed the same period many days in a row.  This is something that can’t be changed with the resources available to me.  The library is open in the morning before school (starting at 7), during homeroom, and after school until 2:30.  You are also permitted to come to the library to work during your lunch period if I’m open.  I would prefer if you would like to come to the library during your lunch that you go eat something first, and then come to the library, or vice versa.  Again, thanks again for your suggestion, and I hope I helped you understand why I have to close the library the same periods for multiple days in a row.

As always, I love hearing you suggestions and comments.  If you ever have any questions as to why the library works the way it does, or suggestions on how to improve the library, I would love to hear your ideas!  Do you know of some new good books coming out?  I’d love to hear what you’d like to see in our library.  Keep those suggestions and comments coming!

Teen Read Week Wrap Up

It was a great week for Teen Read Week!  I’m almost completely out of candy (yay lots of book check-outs and completed scavenger hunts!), and I only have three books left for Hopewell HS’s favorite books.  There are still two periods left in the day, and I’m hoping these books get filled and hung up as well!  I’m hoping to leave the Favorite Books display up for a few days next week for everyone to enjoy.  If you’d still like to add your favorite book next week, you’re more than welcome to!  Just because Teen Read Week is over, does not mean teens should stop reading and loving books!

The TRW Books with Beat book display will be coming down today, be sure to stop in next week before Halloween to pick out your scary book to haunt you over your 3 day weekend over Halloween.  The Scare Up a Good Book display will be up all next week.  You can see the list of books on the display on the resource list in the OPAC.

Thanks for another great Teen Read Week, hope you had a great week!

Teen Read Week

Happy Teen Read Week!

This week, October 17-23, we are celebrating Teen Read Week in the library.  This year’s theme is Books with Beat.

Stop in the library this week to see the Books with Beat display featuring books that have a musical beat to them.  You can also view this display virtually via the OPAC Resource Lists.  The display also has a pamphlet highlighting ways you can celebrate Teen Read Week as well as bookmarks to take.

In the library this week, any student checking out a library material will receive both a piece of candy and a Books with Beat bookmark.

When walking past the library, you’ll notice a big yellow sign that reads “Hopewell High School’s Favorite Books” with small books around them.  Anytime this week, you can write your favorite book on a blue book and give it to Mrs. Busch to hang up with the others.

There’s also a scavenger hunt going on.  Anyone who completes the scavenger hunt and turns in the worksheet to Mrs. Busch will get two pieces of candy.  Good luck!

B.F. Jones Memorial Library will also be having Teen Read Week events going on this week.  On Monday, they will be a Read-Aloud from 5-6:30pm.  On Tuesday, there will be a BFJ TAB Meeting from 4-5pm and a Poetry Reading from 6-7pm.  On Wednesday, Movie with a Beat! from 5-7pm.  On Thursday, MP3 Poetry/Game Afternoon from 3:30-4:30pm.  On Friday, Free Reading from 3:30-4:30.  And on Saturday, a TRW Wrap-Up from 2:30-4pm.  Stop by for some fun this week at your local public library!

Any questions about Teen Read Week?  Post a comment, stop in the library, or send Mrs. Busch an e-mail at  Have a great week!


The new OPAC has arrived and is ready for you to use!  The OPAC is the same as what you used to know as the card catalog.  OPAC stands for Online, Public, Access, Catalog.  And our OPAC is just that, online and ready for you to use anywhere you’re on a device with Internet access.

I made a 5 minute screencast to introduce you to the OPAC (called Destiny Quest).  You can view this video on the help page of the Library Web site.  The video will show you how to log-in, search, check your info, etc.  Check it out!

You also have the ability to put items on hold for yourself.  You must be logged-in to do this, but you simply find the item and reserve the item.  In the OPAC, you have the ability to reserve any item, however, only items that are checked out when you put them on hold will be pulled and sent to your homeroom.  If the item is checked in, you will have to come into the library yourself and get the book from the shelf to check out.

If you have any questions about how to use the OPAC, stop in the library and ask Mrs. Busch or send her an e-mail at

A new school year

I can’t believe it’s already October!  This year has panned out to be fairly busy this school year!  Over the summer, the we got a new OPAC (check it out!), and I redesigned the library Web site.  Since the beginning of the school year, the library has been busy getting freshman orientated to the library, getting the word out to upperclassman and teachers about the school policy change for study hall passes (which effects library study hall passes), and cataloging all of our new books (among many other things).

In September, the library celebrated Banned Books Week with a week-long display and signs as well as a special book club meeting discussing The Perks of Being a Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky.  Our discussion got quite lively!  This month, book club will be meeting on Monday, October 25 to discuss After, by Amy Efaw.  I haven’t read this book myself, yet, however, I’ve heard some crazy things about it!  If you’d like to join us, read the book and come to our meeting ready to discuss!

In October, the library will be celebrating Teen Read Week October 18-22 (the week after homecoming).  Stay tuned for more information!

The composition classes are doing their big research papers early this year, right now!  The library has been busy will comp. students working hard and will be for about another week and a half.  If your study hall has been closed for most of this month, that’s why.  The comp. students will be finishing up their research time in the library at the beginning of Teen Read Week.  Social issue debates have been flying as students research!

I look forward to another great school year in the library!