Archive for January, 2011

Genre display

The genre display is up on the reference shelves of the library.  Come on in and browse!  This display is for everyone.  Anyone can browse through and check out books from the display.

Can’t make it into the library to browse through the display?  You can view this display virtually here and on the “Genre” Resource Lists in the OPAC.

Call for second semester library workers

It’s January here at HHS, meaning, the end of the semester is coming, and a new one is on it’s way!  Some of you will have new classes, and many will have one too many study halls.  Are you going to have an extra study hall second semester?  If so, why not consider being a student library worker!  I’m always looking for new hardworking students.  Everyone must fill out an application to be considered.  Applications can be picked up in the library or printed out by clicking here.  All applications are due to the librarian by Wednesday, January 19.  See Mrs. Busch with any questions!